Vote Yes

Prop 5: Make it easier to fund housing and other community projects


Local bonds – or money that our local governments borrow – help us fund critical solutions to problems that working-class communities and communities of color face. But the way state law is now, any new bond has to get support from two-thirds of voters. This makes it harder to secure this critical funding.

Prop 5 would bring this voting threshold down from 67% to 55%. Our cities and counties should have the tools we need to improve our neighborhoods and address community needs. If Prop 5 passes, it will be easier for local governments to borrow money to fund affordable housing and permanent supportive housing, public infrastructure projects to protect property from sea level rise, control floods, improve streets and highways, expand broadband internet access, and build more local hospitals, community parks, recreation facilities, and public libraries. We’re recommending a YES on Prop 5 so cities can utilize all the tools in their toolkits to give community members what we need to thrive.

David Lee (November 2024)

District 19 Assemblymember
SF Rising is excited to endorse David Lee for District 19 Assemblymember. David Lee has been a leader for positive change in San Francisco for decades…

Matt Haney (November 2024)

Assemblymember for AD 17
Assemblymember Haney was on both the San Francisco Board of Education and the Board of Supervisors before he became Assembly District 17’s Assemblymem…

PROP 2: Fund our schools and community colleges

Students should be able to learn in a safe environment without having to worry about health issues that could arise from being exposed to mold and oth…

PROP 3: Enshrine the right to marry in the CA constitution

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Prop 4: Fund environmental justice

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