Vote Yes

PROP 32: Raise the state minimum wage to $18/hour


The last time California raised its minimum wage was in 2016. And we don’t need to tell you that the cost of everything – housing, gas, food, tuition – has gone up in the past 8 years. And the minimum wage has not kept up with inflation. By raising the minimum wage to $18/hour, more Californians will be able to pay their bills, afford housing, get the healthcare they need, and even seek a higher education without taking on mountains of debt. We’ll also be sending a message that all labor is skilled, all labor is important, and all labor deserves a thriving wage. 

California currently has the 8th highest income inequality in the country, which pushes many working-class households into poverty. Instead of punishing people for being poor through harsh crime measures, Prop 32 will help make sure that more Californians have what they need to succeed, getting to the root cause of why crime happens in the first place.

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