Ballot Measures

Vote No
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Prop 24 – California Consumer Personal Law and Agency Initiative (November 2020)

Won with 56.23%
A sweeping measure that would create a new agency for enforcing privacy laws, it rewrite the Consumer Privacy Act, exempt some of the largest tech com…

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Vote No
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Prop 22 – Take Away Protections Such As Minimum Wage for Gig Workers (November 2020)

Won with 58.63%
Uber, Lyft, and other tech giants want to re-classify their employees as “independent contractors” to avoid labor protections such as mini…

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Vote No
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Prop 20 – Increase the Number of People Locked Up in Prisons (November 2020)

Lost with 61.72%
After years of successfully reducing the prison population, undoing past wrongs of the criminal justice system, and redirecting funding away from inca…

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Vote No
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Prop 19 – California Property Tax Transfers and Exemptions and Revenue for Wildfire Agencies and Counties Amendment (November 2020)

Won with 51.11%
Put forward by the real estate industry, this measure allows seniors, people with disabilities, and those displaced by wildfires to maintain their pro…

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Vote Yes
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Prop 18 – Allow 17-year-olds to Vote in Primary Elections (November 2020)

Lost with 56.04%
Allows 17-year-olds to vote in primary elections if they will have turned 18 by the general election. Prop 18 also allows for 17-year-olds to vote in…

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Vote Yes
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Prop 17 – Free the Vote for People on Parole (November 2020)

Won with 58.55%
Nearly 50,000 people who are on parole are currently denied their right to vote in CA. Voting yes will end this injustice, and allow those people to v…

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