November 5th, 2024 Presidential Election

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Ryan Khojasteh (November 2024)

San Francisco District Attorney
Over the past few years, we’ve seen the immense power that a District Attorney has when it comes to enacting criminal justice reforms that can either…

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Edward Wright (November 2024)

BART Board District 9
Edward Wright has years of experience working in San Francisco’s local government and political organizing. He was the chief of staff to former Superv…

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David Lee (November 2024)

District 19 Assemblymember
SF Rising is excited to endorse David Lee for District 19 Assemblymember. David Lee has been a leader for positive change in San Francisco for decades…

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Matt Haney (November 2024)

Assemblymember for AD 17
Assemblymember Haney was on both the San Francisco Board of Education and the Board of Supervisors before he became Assembly District 17’s Assemblymem…

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Kamala Harris (November 2024)

There is a lot at stake in the presidential election. After just one term with Trump as president, we nearly lost what remains of our democracy. We sa…

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We’re hiring canvassers for the November election!

September 16, 2024
Do you want to make a change in San Francisco this November? We are looking for canvassers to help us reach voters about the critical November 5th Pre…

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