Download our printable voter guides for the November 5th, 2024 Election (In 4 languages!)
By November 5th, 2024, San Francisco voters will be deciding on critical issues such as housing, policing, and public assistance. We are thrilled to share our ballot measure endorsements with you. You can view our online searchable voter guide here.
When election time comes around, SF Rising Action Fund gets together with our member caucuses and leadership committee to determine who and what on the ballot will best serve the needs of everyday, working people. Too often, what we see on the ballot would instead maintain the status quo, prioritizing police, big corporations, developers, and politicians who only care about staying in power.
We believe our endorsements reflected in this voter guide are the best chance we have at getting San Francisco closer to a place where everyone has housing, our communities do not have to endure the harm of harsh policing, and anyone who needs it can access public assistance — regardless of their struggle with substance use.
We’re here to make a lasting impact. Using our voter guide will help create the change for working-class communities and communities of color at the local, state, and federal level. So bookmark our voter guide now for when your ballot comes in the mail. Ballots drop on October 7th!
And be sure to register to vote or check your voter registration status to make sure it’s up to date with your current address!
English Voter Guide

Guía del Votante en Español


Gabay ng Botante sa Tagalog