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David Lee (November 2024)

District 19 Assemblymember

SF Rising is excited to endorse David Lee for District 19 Assemblymember. David Lee has been a leader for positive change in San Francisco for decades and we are confident that he will do justice to representing San Francisco’s immigrant population in Sacramento. 

Serving as the Executive Director of the Chinese American Voters Education Committee for 20 years, David has led efforts to help register over 100,000 voters. David has also been an educator at San Francisco State and the director of the Asian Pacific American Student Success Program at Laney College, demonstrating that he will keep students’ needs in mind as he develops and votes on policies at the state level. As Assemblymember, David would fight to make all California community colleges completely tuition free and expand programs that support formerly incarcerated students in their academic and career goals. 

David also knows we need to address public safety concerns by getting to the root of why crime happens in the first place. He supports diverting money away from prisons and towards education, which is especially important at a time when our public school district is facing staffing shortages and poor conditions. David is also committed to expanding anti-recidivism programs to more formerly incarcerated people and supporting community organizations that are providing job training and services to justice-involved youth.

To address our affordable housing crisis, David’s top priorities include protecting renters from exploitative housing developers and corporate landlords, expanding rent control, and supporting more affordable housing for SF State students. 

David is running on a pro-tenant, pro-immigrant, and pro-worker platform which is aligned with our vision for San Francisco. David also has the endorsement of the current Assemblymember for District 19, Phil Ting.

PROP 2: Fund our schools and community colleges

Students should be able to learn in a safe environment without having to worry about health issues that could arise from being exposed to mold and oth…

PROP 3: Enshrine the right to marry in the CA constitution

In 2008, California voters passed a constitutional amendment that added the language into our state’s constitution that marriage is between “a man and…

Prop 4: Fund environmental justice

With climate change and environmental racism an existential crisis to us all, and especially to low-income and BIPOC communities, we must take immedia…

Prop 5: Make it easier to fund housing and other community projects

Local bonds – or money that our local governments borrow – help us fund critical solutions to problems that working-class communities and communities…

Prop 6: Ban slavery in California

In our state constitution, slavery is prohibited except as punishment for a crime. This discriminatory language reflects the troubling notion that peo…