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Chyanne Chen (November 2024)

District 11 Supervisor

For District 11 Supervisor, SF Rising Action Fund endorses Chyanne Chen #1 and EJ Jones #2 on your ranked choice ballot. Both candidates are extremely qualified, would do right by the diverse communities of District 11 and serve all their constituents.

The struggles that Chyanne has faced as a first-generation immigrant reflect those of many of our own members at SF Rising Action Fund who have found it difficult to access services, find affordable housing, and get paid a fair wage. Electing Chyanne to be the next Supervisor in District 11 would mean that District 11 community members would have an ally and advocate in office, fighting for the best interests of immigrant communities.

Chyanne also has deep roots in multi-racial, working-class communities in San Francisco, including a history of building relationships and organizing with our grassroots members in the Chinese community. With experience as a labor union organizer at United Healthcare Workers and a community organizer in Chinatown, Chyanne would find solutions that bring District 11 communities together, not tear them apart. 

As Supervisor, Chyanne plans to invest in crime-reduction and crime-prevention programs through public education, youth recreation, and job training to provide young people with stronger opportunities. Chyanne also understands that we need to do more to meet the needs of the many families and seniors who live in District 11, including securing more housing for multi-generational households, improving options for transportation, and creating free before- and after-school programs for all at schools and in community settings.

EJ also has deep roots in District 11, being a 3rd generation community member of the Lakeview-OMI neighborhood. EJ’s support for investing in mental health and wellness programs to address crime, as well as his general history of leading projects to meet the needs of community members, also make him a qualified candidate that we recommend voters list in their ranked choice vote.

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PROP B: Improve Public Health Facilities and Homeless Services

This measure would allow San Francisco to borrow $390 million to revitalize our infrastructure and expand services that many San Franscicans rely on.