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Matt Haney (November 2024)

Assemblymember for AD 17

Assemblymember Haney was on both the San Francisco Board of Education and the Board of Supervisors before he became Assembly District 17’s Assemblymember in 2022. He is also the Co-founder of #cut50, a national organization working to end mass incarceration.

In his first term as Assemblymember for AD17, Assemblymember Haney introduced legislation to:

  • Cap renters’ security deposits to an equivalent of one month’s rent
  • Require all employers to keep naloxone nasal spray in first aid kits to address overdoses
  • Recognize August as Transgender History Month
  • Expand protections for contract workers (this was vetoed by the governor)

If re-elected, we’re looking forward to Assemblymember Haney’s plan to advocate for criminal justice reform by investing in rehabilitation, treatment, reentry, and community-based courts. He also has plans to develop a state-level Overpaid Executive Tax modeled on San Francisco’s Prop L in 2020 which would tax companies whose highest-paid executives make more than 100 times the median salaries of their employees to hire more nurses, firefighters, and social workers across the state. Assemblymember Haney will also prioritize making college debt- and tuition-free so that all students have access to higher education. In terms of housing, Assemblymember Haney will fight to expand rent control and strengthen tenant protections to keep tenants in their homes. 

We would like to see Assemblymember Haney be a better champion for affordable housing. We are concerned about his recent shift on housing that supports building more luxury units, which has led to the displacement of working-class communities by leaving us with few options for affordable housing. Still, we believe Assemblymember Haney’s overall platforms are more aligned with a vision for a progressive future than his opponent’s. 

David Lee (November 2024)

District 19 Assemblymember
SF Rising is excited to endorse David Lee for District 19 Assemblymember. David Lee has been a leader for positive change in San Francisco for decades…

PROP 2: Fund our schools and community colleges

Students should be able to learn in a safe environment without having to worry about health issues that could arise from being exposed to mold and oth…

PROP 3: Enshrine the right to marry in the CA constitution

In 2008, California voters passed a constitutional amendment that added the language into our state’s constitution that marriage is between “a man and…

Prop 4: Fund environmental justice

With climate change and environmental racism an existential crisis to us all, and especially to low-income and BIPOC communities, we must take immedia…

Prop 5: Make it easier to fund housing and other community projects

Local bonds – or money that our local governments borrow – help us fund critical solutions to problems that working-class communities and communities…