No Position

PROP H: Change the Retirement Age for Firefighter’s benefits


This measure would allow firefighters at the San Francisco Fire Department to retire and receive full pension benefits 3 years earlier at 55 years old instead of 58. Backers of this measure believe that by allowing firefighters to retire 3 years earlier, it will limit their exposure to harmful cancer-causing carcinogens.

Our organization has decided not to take a position on Prop H. While we recognize the importance of addressing the health risks faced by firefighters due to exposure to carcinogens, this measure primarily impacts a specific group within the workforce, and our focus is on issues that broadly affect the majority of our base. We remain committed to advocating for policies that raise the floor for all workers, and we respect the importance of specialized measures like Prop H. However, given that our base is not significantly advocating on this issue, we believe it is appropriate to remain neutral. Our stance should not be interpreted as opposition to worker benefits, but rather as a reflection of our prioritization of issues that have a broader impact on the communities we serve.

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