No Position

PROP K: Turn Upper Great Highway into an Oceanfront Park


Prop K would close a 2-mile stretch of Upper Great Highway to cars in order to create a new oceanfront park between Lincoln Way and Sloat Boulevard. Because coastal erosion and rising sea levels have caused sand accumulation on our roads, this section of the Great Highway is frequently closed to drivers anyway. A pilot program currently has this section open for vehicles on weekdays, and closed on weekends. If Prop K were to pass, this closure would become permanent and drivers would be directed to other routes, leaving this area free for pedestrians and bicyclists to enjoy.

Proponents believe this measure will improve traffic conditions since this section of the Great Highway is closed up to 65 times a year due to sand accumulation, with studies showing drive times would be the same or even faster. Also, it would keep out pollution from vehicles from this area, allowing more people to enjoy our coastline. They point to the pilot program which has brought in 10,000 visitors every weekend to enjoy the car-free promenade. 

Opponents argue that diverting cars away from the Great Highway will cause more traffic in surrounding neighborhoods and subject drivers to longer commutes, exacerbating air pollution. 

We are taking a neutral position because most of our community base lives on the east and southeast side of the city. 

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