Vote Yes

Prop 4: Fund environmental justice


With climate change and environmental racism an existential crisis to us all, and especially to low-income and BIPOC communities, we must take immediate action to invest in environmental protection. Prop 4 would allow California to borrow $10 billion to fund state and local parks, environmental protection projects, and flood protection projects. 

Over 1 million Californians do not have easy access to safe, affordable, and clean drinking water. This bond money would help change that by funding projects to keep toxic pollution out of our water and improve air quality. The funding would also be used for wildfire protection, protecting the coast from sea level rise, and addressing extreme heat, all problems that are on the rise as the climate crisis is exacerbated.

At least 40% of the money in this bond would go towards projects that address issues faced by low-income communities, which is particularly important since they often bear the brunt of climate change. 

Living in a safe and clean environment is a basic human right. A YES vote on Prop 4 will help ensure that right for communities throughout our state, even as the climate crisis gets worse.

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