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Jackie Fielder (November 2024)

District 9 Supervisor

SF Rising Action Fund is eager to announce our endorsement of Jackie Fielder for District 9 Supervisor.

Jackie has strong platforms and viable ideas to address homelessness, create more affordable housing, and improve public safety that address our community’s most pressing needs. Jackie also has a wealth of experience working with communities to address structural issues that will make her a collaborative and effective Supervisor, including: 

  • Co-founding the San Francisco Public Bank Coalition in San Francisco that would start the country’s first public bank to support small businesses, affordable housing, and renewable energy. This includes advocating on the statewide level to allow cities to establish their own public banks. 
  • Fighting for environmental justice and indigenous rights by protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock and advocating for divestment from fossil fuels.
  • Teaching a Race, Women, and Class course at San Francisco State University to educate students on histories of oppression and resistance

Jackie is serious about making a positive change in San Francisco and she has the platforms to back it up. To address our affordable housing and homelessness crisis, Jackie plans to partner with SFUSD to end SFUSD student homelessness, strengthen renter protections like expanding regulations on bad actors and allowing for more rent control, and taxing the wealthiest corporations to establish a $20 billion housing fund to invest in affordable housing. Jackie knows that we cannot depend on developers to prioritize affordable housing when they mostly care about profiting off of new market-rate or luxury housing. It’s critical that the City government take on the responsibility of building more affordable housing.

To make sure San Franciscans feel and are safer in our communities, Jackie has an 8-point plan. This plan includes investing more in youth programs that break the cycle of violence, deploying unarmed professionals to handle non-violent incidents to free up active duty police for emergencies, and offering rehabilitation and workforce training programs so people who commit crimes become less likely to do so again and can successfully reintegrate back into our society.  

Jackie also has a plan to combat the overdose and mental health crisis by eliminating barriers to treatment so more people can get the help they need, investing in culturally competent and data-driven treatment programs to address racial disparities in treatment, and 

offering competitive wages and benefits to emergency responders to address staffing shortages so there are more trained professionals on the streets ready to respond to overdoses.

As a queer, Latina, and Indigenous woman, we are excited to see District 9 represented by someone who can be a voice for so many communities. We are confident that with Jackie’s solid stance against corporate greed and her prioritization of the needs of every day, working people, Jackie is the best choice for District 9 Supervisor.

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